Faraway Games - Free War on the web.

Free on-line war within the Tartarus battlesphere.
Small space fleet battles in the eternal RipSpace galaxy

Faraway Games subscriptions.
All games are now free!

  • The games are free, but running them is a labour of love - and money. If you fancy helping out then paying £10 per quarter would really help me out. If I ever make a profit then I'll let everyone know and we can decide what to do with the excess (but I really doubt it will happen!)
  • You must have your playerid to hand. This is the NUMBER which you use when you login to the game(s). Please ensure you enter your playerid correctly on the payment page.
  • Note that Faraway Games never recieves your credit card details.
    Type in your playerid (a number!) here   and then press the button


Last updated 20-Dec-2006